service matter – The promotees were appointed on ad hoc basis in the year 2004 and on a regular basis in the year 2007 – According to the 1982 Rules and the 2005 Rules, appointment by promotion to the post of Deputy Collector shall be as per the Promotion for Selection in consultation with the Uttar Pradesh Promotion by Selection in Consultation with Public service Commission (Procedure) Rules, 1970 – The appointment of the promotees in the year 2004 is on ad hoc basis for a period of one year without following the procedure prescribed – As the promotions in 2004 were made in clear violation of the Rules, the promotees are not entitled to claim seniority from the dates of initial appointments as Deputy Collectors- Uttaranchal Civil Services (Executive Branch) Rules, 2005, Rule 24(4) proviso – U.P. Civil Servant (Executive Branch) Rules, 1982, Rule 20 sub-rule (2).