Jasbir Singh v. Amrik Singh, 2022 PLRonline 0495
PUNJAB AND HARYANA HIGH COURT Before: Mr. Justice Manoj Bajaj. JASBIR SINGH – Petitioner, Versus AMRIK SINGH – Respondent. CR-3306-2022 ...
PUNJAB AND HARYANA HIGH COURT Before: Mr. Justice Manoj Bajaj. JASBIR SINGH – Petitioner, Versus AMRIK SINGH – Respondent. CR-3306-2022 ...
Issues - Framing of - The object of framing issues is to ascertain/shorten the area of dispute and pinpoint the ...
CPC, 1908 O.14 R.1, O.6 R.1 - Pleadings - Object - Decision cannot be based an grounds outside pleading of ...
Pleadings - The real point is not the stray or loose expressions which abound in in-artistically drafted plaints, but the ...
Pleadings - Replication - The issues were framed on 14.08.2017 - . Thereafter, the case was fixed for evidence of ...
Admission - Pleadings – An admission made by a party is only a piece of evidence and not conclusive proof ...
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