[SC] hindu marriage act, 1955, S. 13B(2) , 14 – Object of Section 13B(2) read with Section 14 is to save the institution of marriage, by preventing hasty dissolution of marriage – Legislature has, in its wisdom, enacted section 13B (2) of the Hindu Marriage Act to provide for a cooling period of six months from the date of filing of the divorce petition under Section 13B (1), in case the parties should change their mind and resolve their differences – It is often said that “time is the best healer” – With passage of time, tempers cool down and anger dissipates – The waiting period gives the spouses time to forgive and forget – If the spouses have children, they may, after some time, think of the consequences of divorce on their children, and reconsider their decision to separate – Even otherwise, the cooling period gives the couple time to ponder and reflect and take a considered decision as to whether they should really put an end to the marriage for all time to come.
2022 SCeJ 754, 2022 PLRonline 6507