LogIn required for accessing Judgment There can only be one operative decree governing the same subject-matter at a given point...
Read moreThe procedural laws are handmaid of justice and cannot defeat the substantive rights. “2. Procedural law is intended to facilitate...
Read moreIn a situation when both the judgments are rendered by two-member Benches, the predicament of the Court would be as...
Read moreCompressedISII_ComprehensiveGuidelines16032020Download
Read more202 PLRonline 436600 2023 SCeJ 0025 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before: Justice M.R. Shah, Justice S. Ravindra Bhat. K. L....
Read moreReview - Party can not be left remedy less - No party could be left remediless and whatever the grievance...
Read moreWords – “Shall” and “May” - A well settled rule of interpretation of the statutes is that the use of...
Read moreCPC, 1908, O. 6 R. 2 - Procedural law - Provisions relating to pleadings - Object of - Procedural law...
Read more"findings‟ and "reasons‟ in the following way: “37. In our view, Section 34(4) of the Act can be resorted to record reasons on the finding already given in the award or to fill up the gaps in the reasoning of the award. There is a difference between “finding” and “reasons” as pointed out by the learned Senior Counsel appearing for the respondent in the judgment in ITO v. Murlidhar Bhagwan Das . It is clear from the aforesaid judgment that “finding is a decision on an issue”. Further,...
Read moreReview – Order came to be passed as counsel for the petitioner had submitted at the very outset, that he...
Read moreCivil Procedure Code 1908 (V of 1908) – Defence struck off - Court does not find any legal error with...
Read moreCourt – Had simply recorded the statements of the parties to the effect that the representation shall be filed within...
Read morePractice and procedure – Adjournments – Can earlier adjournments taken by the petitioner, if any, be a ground to decide the...
Read moreTribunal shall have all ancillary powers to pass any such interim order subject to conditions as it may deem fit...
Read more“Even if a statute is silent and there are no positive words in the Act or Rules made thereunder there...
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